How does reading a 704-page book sound? Even avid readers may think twice before picking up a book that’s over 700 pages (unless it’s a tried and true novel like Harry Potter). The Book of Unusual Knowledge is another exception to the rule — over 700 pages are filled with fascinating information!
This book doesn’t have a storyline like you’d find in your favorite novel. Instead, the book covers a wide range of diverse topics. You’ll play games, read assorted articles, and quickly become an armchair expert on a plethora of topics.
You never know when you may find yourself in a conversation where one of the book’s many topics comes up. You’ll be able to quickly spew off random facts — like, did you know it took the Stone-Age workers roughly 30 million hours to build Stonehenge?
If you’re someone who has a curious mind and enjoys learning new things, we’ve just found your new favorite book. You’ll learn about outer space, sports, history, technology, art, and much more!

What others are saying about the product
Lots of short interesting info about all kinds of things, like ,if the moon were made of cheese slices, how many slices would that be ? This is one of several in the collection. Very nice looking cover as well.
My husband loved this book. I got it for him as a bday gift! He really enjoys trivia and interesting facts. He loved it.
Good reading for the shear knowledge of some of the unusual content. Most of the reading I remember from my school years and listening to grandparents and great grandparents stories about what happened in their lives. Interesting as a reminder.